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National Club Association  – www.nationalclub.org

National Golf Foundation – www.ngf.org

PGA of America – www.pga.com

Club Managers Association of America – www.cmaa.org

National Golf Course Owners Association – www.ngcoa.org

Golf Course Builders Association of America – www.gcbaa.org

Environmental Protection Agency – www.epa.gov

American Society of Golf Course Architects – www.golfdesign.org

Private Club Advisor – www.privateclubadvisor.com

Community Association Institute – www.caionline.com

Clubtopia – www.clubtopia.com

International Cooperative Alliancehttps://www.ica.coop/en/about-us/international-cooperative-alliance

Co-OpLaw.org –  https://www.co-oplaw.org/

American Society of Association Executivehttps://www.asaecenter.org/

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